
Brett from Next Door Studios
I remember reading how Disney animators knew that the key to creating a compelling cartoon character was to give it big eyes. That strategy has been used by everyone from The Simpsons to Family Guy to Steven Spielberg in E.T. There’s just something about big, expressive eyes that we all seem to be attracted to. I’m bringing this up because I have a theory that the big eyes phenomenon applies to people also, and specifically to gay porn models like Brett, the guy you see on this page. Don’t you think he has some of the biggest, most soulful blue eyes?. Combine those eyes with his shaggy blond hair and innocent fresh face and you get a must-see man in my book! Brett is an assistant wrestling coach at a school in Northern California. When he’s not rolling around on the mat or doing nude modeling he works at an auto parts store. He says he’s very sexual and loves the feeling of skin on skin, especially the skin of his cock against some 18 year old cheerleaders pussy! Yes, he’s a straight lad, but that doesn’t diminish his appeal. I love watching him jerk off or participating in a three-way with a girl and a guy. You get to see both of these sex videos as a member of Next Door Studios. What more can I say about a guy who has the words “I have a heart-on” tattooed just inches away from his dick? Brett is an adorable cute dude you’ll really enjoy.

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Brett from Next Door Studios
Brett from Next Door Studios
Brett from Next Door Studios
Brett from Next Door Studios
Brett from Next Door Studios

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